Car Club Partnerships

We like collaborating with those that are passionate about cars and car clubs are at the very core of that community.


Reputation management is a serious matter for all motoring groups. Promoting a culture of safety and accountability within the community is vital. The duty of care to other road users is a factor gaining increasing focus.

We all know the dangers of peer pressure when out of the road are significant. Nobody likes being the last car in a group, but with coaching, mindset can be managed and good practice adopted to ensure safety prevails.

By partnering with Driving Masters, members get access to our team of elite instructors and together we can raise the bar for your club and for motoring in general.

Enjoyment vs Safety

Driving Masters has safety at the core of everything we do, but that’s not at the expense of enjoyment. Like any craft, becoming great at it requires a significant investment of time to reap the rewards.

None of us really stopped learning after we passed our tests, but on the whole drivers are learning from mistakes rather than structured learning.

Driving is fun, doing it well is even more fun.

Driving should be safe.

Fun and safety are not mutually exclusive.


We are happy to extend discounted rates to club members, to encourage participation in the DMAP advanced training programme.


Driving Masters is able to supply instructors for club meetings at which they can explain the principles of advanced driving and cover the details of our DMAP advanced driving programme.

Taster Sessions

If your members want to sample the experience of advanced driving with our coaches, we offer days in which two members can pair up to share an instructor, one in the morning, one in the afternoon.

Sampling the programme in this way gives your members a few hours of intense coaching that will both benefit their driving immediately and give a sample of what is possible.

£275 per person
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